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2022國際瑟谷教育交流座談——Mimsy Sadofsky (Part 1)




系列文章連載從美國麻州瑟谷創辦人Mimsy Sadofsky開始,Mimsy在這次座談為我們示範了瑟谷人的仁慈親切,溫暖的話語讓我們如沐春風。年事已高的Mimsy說她在不久的將來要退休了,這次能邀到她與談實在很榮幸也很難得啊!


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Mimsy Sadofsky (明西.薩朵夫斯基) Part 1



當時有一大群人在想著更激進的事,由丹尼爾(Daniel Greenberg)與漢娜.格林伯格(Hanna Greenberg)領頭的一群人,包含家長、親友,以及聽說他們正在追求什麼的陌生人們——他們遍尋不著能夠滿足需求的學校:一個允許孩子做自己喜歡的事、不用被強迫上別人認為重要課程的地方。

到了某個程度他們開始找地點,花了超過一年的時間、錯過好幾個地方,最後決定買下現在這個位址。 有兩棟主建物,一間很大的老屋、一個漂亮的穀倉、池塘、田野、森林,以及高低起伏的地勢。







I am Mimsy, and I have been part of Sudbury Valley School since well before its opening in 1968. My association with the group starting the school began when I worried about my oldest child in first grade. He was a self-starter from the moment he was born. My husband and I started trying to figure out what kind of school would be good for him.

At the same time a larger group of people were thinking along even more radical lines. Led by Daniel and Hanna Greenberg, this group, composed of parents, acquaintances, and strangers who had heard about their quest, looked for a school everywhere and found none that satisfied their need to allow their children to grow up doing the activities that fascinated them and not being forced to do those lessons that others thought were important.

At some point they began to search for a location. The search took more than a year and there were locations that were almost purchased, but in the end the property that the school now occupies was bought. It has two main buildings, one very large old house, and a very beautiful barn; a pond, fields, woods and rolling land.

The building turns out to be a perfect place for a school that allows students to be wherever they want and with whomever they want. It has large rooms, small rooms, medium rooms, rooms where art activities have a good place, and rooms where music can go on, and rooms where physical activity can be a little boisterous. We are extremely lucky.

However, in another way, maybe we are not so lucky. We are in the suburbs of Boston, where the population is not very dense. There is no public transportation here, and a location more in the heart of the city might have made it easier to attract a bigger population faster.

As it was, and this is actually an important part of the founding story, there were no staff salaries for more than fifteen years. Any money that we collected for tuition went to running the school. Staff members had to have other means of support. It was a very dedicated group of people, and people who were not put off by changing their standard of living.

Some Sudbury schools are located in cities, but most have outdoor spaces that can be used easily. It is extremely difficult for a Sudbury school not to have any outdoor spaces at all. Our students have always felt that the campus is an extraordinary gift for their lives.

I sometimes say that there are two things that each child learns here no matter what: one is ethics, which is a direct result of being in a democratic environment, where all problem solving is through a justice system and a school meeting, and the school depends upon voting for all sorts of purposes. The other thing is to love the outdoors.

(To be continued)

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