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2022國際瑟谷教育交流座談——Mimsy Sadofsky (Part 4)



■ 校方如何看待如covid疫情或戰爭這樣的巨變?




■ 通勤時間?


■ 學生家庭的文化樣貌大概是如何?社會階級會帶來問題嗎?



■ 宣傳影片對於消除家長疑慮會有效果嗎?有沒有考慮拍攝影片讓大家更了解瑟谷?

我們的網站是 ,大多數影片放在Rumble這個平台,Youtube也有。有些從Youtube上拿下來了,但我們最近正在重新上架,很快就可以再看到。很多很棒的影片,看孩子們互動很有趣。

■ 辦校以來遇到最大的困難是什麼?如何度過?






We realized that there was nothing we could do to have a Sudbury school and have all the things people were talking about in the fall of 2020 because we’ve been close for the spring. So we realized we couldn’t do all the things and we didn’t have the will either. We couldn’t imagine putting up barriers between children and enforcing social distancing. So we open our school with discretionary masking which means those people who ever wanted to wear masks wore them. And those who didn’t did not wear them. We were probably the only school in the country that did that.

Social distancing of course is possible because we have a big building and it was very easy because we lost half of our students. Half of our students’ families did not want them to come to school in the situation that we have was discretionary masking and not forced social distancing. So, we have not recovered from that. As I said at least a half of the parents did not send their children and if anybody was sick in their house or anybody was exposed in their home, they were careful to keep their children out of school for a week. The first year. This year people were much less worried about it but we still have not regained the students that we lost or anything like that.

We don’t have any plans for a war. And that’s not a joke, I mean, that’s totally a serious thing to think about certainly in your part of the world. but it’s totally a serious thing to think about in any part of the world. When there are big events like the tsunami in Japan, when that happens, children talk about it and think about it. We think every family should react to these things first at home and it’s not the school’s business to decide what the family culture should be. But only to provide a place for the children to come when they want to be here.

The average commute is probably 25, 30 minutes each way, that means you bring your children 25 or 30 minutes to school, then you have to pick them up later. And meanwhile you go somewhere in between maybe to work maybe not. In the last few years, maybe 8 or 10, quite a few families have moved to Framingham area which right now considering what gasoline prices are it’s a very nice place to live. It’s a nice place anyway. But we have one family who commutes about an hour and a half now each way from some place very far south in Massachusetts.

It’s expected I think. We’ve always had multiculturalism in our school and probably more now than ever before. But it’s sort of expected in our environment. I think each person is accepted as an individual so it’s not a problem. What happens at home is just interesting to other kids.

I’m sure that to say no would not be true because things come up like ski trips and not everyone can afford to go on a ski trip. So you see that some people can and some people wish they could. But I think they are also grateful to be in this school that they are not so quick to compare those things. It’s not the social level. It’s sometimes about the income level.

Our website is Most of our videos are on Rumble but they are also on Youtube. Some of them are taken off from YouTube but they’re being put back as we speak, so they’ll all be on soon. There are a lot of good videos. It’s very interesting to see, and it’s interesting to see the kids interacting.

I think that we do very, very serious work and it’s sometimes taken as a cute little school for children who are spoiled.

What I tell people is the following: if it’s possible for you to move to some place that has a Sudbury School. Do it. Don’t start one. It’s too hard.

Students that are educated in Sudbury Schools are the most amazing people in the world. They’re strong and they’re beautiful and they’re fearless. And they make wonderful lives and wonderful decisions. I cannot tell you how admiring I’m of our graduates including my own children. The only other thing I want to say about Sudbury students is they make wonderful parents. They understand children.

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