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I think these are things hard to talk about in modern societies the way they are organized. I think you have to bring them up slowly and gingerly in order to see if they are people on the same page as you.
Then comes the difficult part. You’ve made a friend. You have to cross a Rubicon at certain point, and ask the question that can end the friendship, in one form or another. The best thing that I can do generally politely is to watch how these other people are with children.
If they are talking to children like they are to be molded, they’re to be trained, they’re to be treated the way you might treat the household dog, these are not people who you will raise the question with. These are not the people who you’ll ask to join you. The ones who treated a child as an object are not ones who you will convince.
Some are gonna treat the child as a precious object who they love who they put on a pedestal. But the pedestal is also a prison. Others will treat a child like an object to be molded and that is obviously not what we are looking for.
The only adults who are ready, who are capable of walking this path with you are ones who instinctively in their gut talk to children the same way they’ll talk to you. The same way they’ll talk to anyone else.
The ones who do know how to talk to children, these are the ones you can ally with. And it doesn’t take
much. It takes showing them that it exists. Showing them that there’s another way. Even conspiring with them, saying “hey, why do we have to have our children do these ridiculous things? Let’s give them a day-off.” Say that once or twice and you’ve got a co-conspirer ready to work with you.
Once you have a school though, you don’t necessarily need to convince the parents. You don’t need to convince parents of your philosophy once you have a school. You have a very different job.
A parent who sees that children in your school are happy and fulfilled and not losing anything, that’s all those parents want. They don’t need to understand the magic. They don’t need to agree with it. They need to understand, whatever is going on, that’s the place for my child. I hope this helps.